Everything is Connected!
Do you know what it feels like to differentiate the soil beneath your feet by sensing? Have you tiptoed into the arms of an apple tree? Or wandered under an oak in autumn when the acorns are falling? Or run through a ring of giant redwoods? (There it feels like you are on a trampoline…) What about – have you done it barefoot?
Your feet were born to walk barefoot. If it is painful for you, train your feet to transition into natural shoes and barefoot walking. It is actually healthy for you.
Join the Healthy Feet Earthing Club and learn how!

Everything is Connected!
Do you know what it feels like to differentiate the soil beneath your feet by sensing? Have you tiptoed into the arms of an apple tree? Or wandered under an oak in autumn when the acorns are falling? Or run through a ring of giant redwoods? (There it feels like you are on a trampoline…) What about – have you done it barefoot?
Your feet were born to walk barefoot. If it is painful for you, train your feet to transition into natural shoes and barefoot walking. It is actually healthy for you.
Join the Healthy Feet Earthing Club and learn how!

Free PDF: How to be Comfortable and Rejuvenate by Sleeping on the Ground

Interesting Article: Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth
Free PDF: How to be Comfortable and Rejuvenate by Sleeping on the Ground

Interesting Article: Studies Show What Happens To The Human Body When We Walk Barefoot On Earth
Giving Back to the Earth
Central Coast Heritage Tree Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization
A community grassroots organization created for the protection, preservation, and preventive healthcare for legacy and heritage oaks in the greater North San Luis Obispo County area. To join the Central Coast Heritage Tree Foundation, please click below.

Free oak saplings – (re)Plant the Earth
Valley oak saplings available free to good homes who will care for them until they are established. For saplings, please click below.
Donations for 3Ps
Donations accepted for furthering the mission of the organization. Your donation will be made tax deductible once we have obtained our EIN.

Giving Back to the Earth
Templeton Heritage Tree Foundation:
A community grassroots organization created for the protection, preservation, and preventive healthcare for legacy and heritage oaks in the greater Templeton area. To join the Templeton Heritage Tree Foundation, please click below.

Free oak saplings – (re)Plant the Earth
Valley oak saplings available free to good homes who will care for them until they are established. For saplings, please click below.
Donations for 3Ps
Donations accepted for furthering the mission of the organization. Your donation will be made tax deductible once we have obtained our EIN.
Giving Back Around the Globe
TreeSisters are women committed to the restoration of our forests and the rebalancing of humanity’s relationship with the natural world