Your Nested Ribs (and their secret for whole-body health!)

Peace, Tranquility, Power, Strength

Would you believe that finding alignment for your ribs could allow you to feel each of these qualitites – at the same time?  That’s what having nested ribs means; all of your essential functions – body systems, movement, mindfulness – can be enhanced with the “simple” knowledge of where you put your ribs on a moment-to-moment basis.  Come to this special class where we will experience the dynamic torso integration that occurs when you drop your ribs!

Your Nested Ribs
Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
8:30am – 9:45am
At Symmetry In Motion Gyrotonic Studio
7400 Morro Rd Ste A

*RSVP required* 805-434-3258 or email